Perception Is Everything !

cancer ribbon chart

Gayle A. Dakof and Shelley E. Taylor conducted a study on victims’ perceptions of social support and what is helpful from whom? It is pretty obvious that interpersonal relationships have a great influence on psychological well-being. vectorstock_194240Their goal was to find which kinds of social support can contribute to coping successfully to a stressful event. Dakof and Taylor focused specifically on cancer patients and wanted them to specify particular acts performed by their social support that are helpful and unhelpful. Victimizing events can create conflicting reactions in significant others. They may physically avoid the victim, avoid open communication about the caner and its consequences, or engage in forced cheerfulness. The victim may result in feeling rejected, abandoned, or too much pressure. In order to avoid these negative feelings, they wanted to interview cancer patients to understand the types of social support the want or don’t want.

The sample consisted of 55 cancer patients who were ranging from grave prognosis to indicating probable cure. The respondents were asked question about their experience with seven different groups of people, their spouse or partner, marriagecartoon2-300x226other family members, friends, support group members or others who they know who have or had cancer, physicians and acquaintances or strangers. There were three specific common support categories; esteem/emotional support, informational support and tangible support. Patients found esteem/emotional support to be the most helpful received from their spouse, family and friends. Informational support from other cancer patients and physicians were the most helpful. Very few found tangible support to be helpful.

I thought that this article was a good start to finding different types of social supports. As I was reading through the article I thought of some ways to possible improve their study. I am no research expert or anything close but I think they needed more variety. For example, Dakof and Taylor should have incorporated more ethnic backgrounds since 93% of the participants were Caucasian. Having a wide spectrum of different ethnicity’s would speak to a bigger audience. For example, Hispanics relate a lot to other Hispanics so including their perspective on helpful social support in this study would allow them to relate to the article. Also incorporating an equal amount of patients who are newly diagnosed, those who are cured and those who are terminally ill. This would bring a more broad array of results so more could relate.

A major variable Dakof and Taylor could incorporate into their study are personality traits. Everyone handles situations in different ways. They could have recruited patients with all types of different personality traits and group them. Once they established a variety of different groups, then they could continue with the interview. This would allow those who are looking for helpful social support, to whenever-i-see-my-friend-trying-to-resolve-an-issue-with-his-angry-girlfriend-44435look based off of their personality. Personally, I am not one to talk about critical events that are going on in my life. I am the one to avoid the conversation and bring it up when I am ready to talk about it. One of my best friends is the kind of person who would constantly talk about her critical life events and seek social support from others.

Now that I attempted to bring out my “inner-researcher”, let’s be a little more positive. I really enjoyed reading this article because it gave me a new perspective on different ways to approach friends and family who are going through a tough time or illness. Sometimes I treat others the way I would want to be treated in certain situations but I need to remember not everyone thinks as “cold” or are as avoidant as I am. The fact that Dakof and Taylor interviewed the patients with open ended questions gave better results as opposed to a survey with limited options.


I was reading a research study on the quality of life and social support in cancer patients. The study concluded that successful social support resulted in a better and more positive quality of life, which is important for those who are dealing with a chronic illness such as cancer. The authors concluded that those who thought more positively were able to cope and had an increase in social support. Perception is everything !

Stop..Drop.. and RELAX!

So the article that caught my attention thus far into the quarter was “Association of Enjoyable Activities with Psychological and Physical Well-Being” mostly because it was an easy read and not difficult to understand. Hey I am just being honest! I also found it interesting because I try to take time out of my day to do some leisurely activities. children-sillouette-700x293The authors that conducted this research wanted to examine whether engaging in a leisurely activity would help people/patient’s psychological and physiological functioning. They defined leisurely activities as something that is pleasing and enjoyable for that certain individual. This activity is something that that particular person loves to do. So it could include a vacation, a walk, shopping, hanging out with friends, sports.. you get the idea.

LEISURE ACTIVITIES The idea is that these fun activities will help you reduce any stress going on in your life and just benefit your overall well-being. The authors had five hypotheses; higher SES would be associated with greater frequency of these activities, it would be associated with a better mood, there would be an improvement on physiological function, these activities would not be entirely responsible for any found connected between the PEAT and well-being and finally, individuals will experience less distress. The results that they found were that those who has a higher income and education engaged in more frequent activities, especially women. What wasn’t a surprise was that they found that those that took time out of their day to do what they considered fun, were more satisfied and engaged in life. Those people also got better sleep, probably because they were so tired from having so much fun.. just kidding! jokes aside.. Their main message was to take some time out of your life to do what you really enjoy doing. Engaging in a fun activity is only going to benefit you positively.


I really enjoyed this article because it was something I could agree with. About a year and a half ago I changed my lifestyle around to being more active and cutting out junk food. The main reason for this was to lose weight but after a while I fell in love with the way it made me feel psychological and physiologically. Eating healthier supported their hypothesis in increasing physiological function but exercising regularly got me in better moods and experienced less distress. I work out to lose weight but mostly because it makes me feel happier. Yes I know that sounds so cliché but it is so true! I make sure I take time out of my day 5-6 times a week to be able to experience this leisurely activity.

This article stood out to me because I think it is so important to spend timesupermom doing something for yourself. Especially parents! They are literally superheroes and are always so focused on doing everything for their kids. They feel so much pressure to do everything which obviously causes some stress so being able to take some time out of their day to do something they love is super important. Plus they deserve it! Superheroes need some fun too! This is also very important for students. We are Super-Dad2always so caught up on doing work that we forget to do things to relax and reduce stress.

Anyways.. I noticed that the authors weren’t very specific on how often one should perform these activities and for how long. If someone were to read this with the intentions of improving their well-being, they wouldn’t really know how to start because it kind of left off the basics. They should have incorporated more ethnic groups, or “minorities”, to get a wider range of results. Since those who live in SES struggle the most with finding/affording leisurely activities, they should have included more in their research to help them find some resolutions. I understand this study isn’t a self help or therapy route, but it would have nice if they threw out some possible solutions. According to a study done on the health benefits of serious involvement in leisure activities among older Korean adults, participating in these activities helped create social support. Most of the adults joined a sports club and became friends with those who played the same sport. Being able to relate and share a common hobby with another person allows you to relax and provide support for each other. (

If this study were up to me I would include eating healthy as well because eating your micro and macro-nutrients plays a huge role in the way you feel. When you start to eat better, you gain more energy which would allow you to engage in more activities. Moral of the story, you deserve to spoil yourself every once in awhile to regroup and get back on track!

About Me.

Hello hello my name is Brenda Ong but you probably already knew that because it says right above.. I am a transfer student from the Bay Area, also known as the Yaaayyy Area, woop woop. Yes? No? Anyways this is my third quarter here at UCR and I am majoring in psychology. What do I want to do after college? That, my friend, is the million dollar question! It is a little stressful and frustrating but I hope I will figure it out before I graduate. I would love to work around sports, preferably basketball, as I am a hardcore Golden State Warriors fan! And yes this is their year they shined but I have always been a fan since I can remember. I would also love to work around anything related to HGTV, beauty or food. The struggle with all of this is that I am not really sure if i can incorporate psychology into any of that but we will see I guess.


When I transferred I was a little skeptical if I had chosen the right major because when I applied, I didn’t know what direction I was heading for. After taking a couple quarters of psychology classes I have fallen in love with the subject. I think it is so fascinating what the brain and way of thinking can do to someone. Psychology is like therapy because we are constantly learning material in which we can help ourselves become a better, well-rounded person. Cheesy? Just a little but so true. I am able to apply the material into my every day life and not many other  majors can say the same.

I am a firm believer of the saying “whatever you put into your mouth is either killing you or benefiting you”. That is totally worded wrong but you catch my drift. Working out has become a part of my life and I do so about four to six days a week. Eating healthy is also a priority. Not just for losing weight but because it is important to be cautious of the food you are eating. I have been doing this for a couple years now and I can’t imagine going back to the lifestyle I used to live (lazy and eating a bunch of fattening food).


On a more personal level, my full name is Brenda Jeanette Ong and am a 21 year old student. I am a proud mut; Mexican and Chinese and also a sister, daughter, cousin, best friend and girlfriend. Family is the most important thing to me and I got blessed with such a close family. I have a mom, dad, older brother and younger sister. I am really close to one of my cousins so I consider her my sister. So I basically have three other siblings.

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*Me and my cousin Jovana*                                         *Family in Mexico*

I have always wanted to start a lifestyle blog where I share my favorite recipes because I love to cook. It is something I look forward to every day because it is a stress reliever (dang I sound old). Beauty products is also something I absolutely love; both skincare and makeup so my blog would consist of product reviews and my insight on them. So hopefully after this quarter and a little blogging experience, I build the courage to start my own. Since health is such a big part of my life, I am looking forward to this course and learning new material. Here is to a good and hopefully successful ten weeks!
